Closing on the end of an era–?

SUMMARY: They’re Just Big Chunks of Plastic, Right?

Previous posts on this topic:

As I related in Mat Matters, my dog mats… crating mats… canopy mats…   oh, right, agility mats… came to me through happenstance between 1997 and 2012.  Their two common features were:  purple. And agility.  I’d have preferred teal or blue with the purple, but, OK, purple.

After that post, my first two mats went into the trash, just too beat up.  The other two were good–one (purple and black) brand new then; the purple and white only a couple of years older, but its edge already fraying, which I never did get around to taping up.

Since (sigh, sob, sad, shoulders droop) 2014 they have been sitting on the same shelf in the garage where I kept them for the preceding 13 years. Sitting. Just sitting there. Waiting. Wanting to be out on a field somewhere, or on the dirt of an arena, or really anywhere.  Wanting matching dog crates resting on them, protecting them, dogs comfy inside them. Matching chairs. Matching leashes. Matching gear bags and toys.

Shocks me every time I realize how long it has been since I tried competing in agility.  “Just a temporary setback,” I told myself.

Today, needed to tidy some garage shelves.

Had already gone thru boxes of paper/plastic plates, cups, and plasticware.
Notice a theme in colors even here?
I used to have a lot of parties and barbecues…

Dog gear that used to fit on a shelf and a half had gradually flowed from the initial shelf up and down and across. Same gear that used to fit! So, get to it. First thing, I grabbed the mats to pull them down– and was showered with purple! (shock, startle, jump back) The purple and white literally disintegrating in my hands!

Holy crappola–is this actually a thing that happens?!

The mat. The frayed side/binding at the bottom from way back, but the crumbling purple is new…

The black and purple is fine. So, really, I guess the P&W was of cruddy quality from the beginning.  Spent 20 minutes taking the mat outside for a final photo, putting it into the trash, and then cleaning up piles and miles of scattered crumbling mini-to-micro plastic bits, on the shelves near the mats, on the floor under the mats, in a trail across the garage, in piles on the sidewalk where I spread it for photos, sweeping and vacuuming Purple.

I keep feeling the edge of my agility era creeping closer. I’m not yet ready to admit that I’m done. I might not be done–since I had been taking Zorro to class before my knee surgery followed by the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic quarantine, with many cases in my county, not going to be one of the first to open much up quickly, either.  Don’t know where it will all go. But–another mat gone. Another connection.

But, so–just mats. But with nearly 300 weekends of competition–which means likely 1000 days of competitions–plus seminars, and classes, and fun activities–  It’s all part and parcel of Being An Agility Person.  So strange.

Christmas Blues and Reds and Purples–

SUMMARY: Finding ways to feel less grief this year.

This year (4th year w/out parents or cousin), I have found that xmas music–which I have always loved, yet in past years has made me cry– actually seems to envelop me in a warm, loving, safe place, so I’ve been playing it a lot and singing along loudly (I just try to avoid, say, Blue Christmas). I think I got my love of Christmas music through my mom, who was the most musical parent.

And I have deliberately taken on hosting xmas after these few years with almost nothing going on for me. Stressful–SO much to do!–but happy stressful. I am very much looking forward to having much of the family here, even though I’m not entirely clear yet on what kinds of new traditions we might be keeping from the last few holidays. I want traditions.

I’m well aware that it’s all different for different people, or even for the same person on different years, or different days! (As it is for me.)  Here’s an excellent article on this topic.

So far, I’ve hung almost all the purple (including ones that have some purple somewhere) and blue ornaments. Five boxes of ornaments to go! I’m thinkin’ I’m not actually going to get them all hung, and that’s OK, too.

Wishing you all whatever you can find during this Holiday season to bring you some peace, or some feeling of being cared about, or some joy.

Purple purple purple

SUMMARY: Cee’s photo challenge

Backfill: Oops, never posted when I first created this! So–posting it on May 14, 2019.

I bump around on the web, so have fallen across SO many photo challenges. Can’t do them all. Can’t even keep up with my own challenges to myself!

However, Cee’s photo challenge currently is PURPLE. How could I resist?

 Remember my agility colors series?  Never did finish all the colors, but I did purple. (Revisit that by clicking on this image–)

But what an opportunity to provide a few more images of pretty pretty purply things!

I used Google’s advanced search feature to search for any photos here at Taj MuttHall that are purple–how cool is that? Click here to see.  [Although I’m intrigued that most of the purples in the link from the photo aren’t actually included in this search!? And many other purple shots are missing. Hmmm. But, still, pretty nifty.]


SUMMARY: Memorial, beach, friends.

(Reposted with a bit more stuff than earlier. 8:45pm PDT)

My random notes about today.


A good day. Memorial for Lisa Pomerance on the Carmel beach with dogs and friends. She was so involved with so many animal communities. Much purple was worn. My dogs ran on the beach before and after, and walked around Carmel with friends afterwards. And I took no photos. Not one. It was a wonderful day.

Me, in my purple (after getting home), windblown, with purple beads from the memorial


In Carmel today, one random person asked what kind of animal Chip was. My friend answered, “dog”. He seemed disbelieving. Another said that Tika was clearly not all dog. I said that she was an Aussie mix, probably with Husky. He said, “Oh,” and looked at her critically. Not sure he was convinced, either.

“What kind of animal?” I’m still floored by that one.


The memorial was nice. Quite a few people wore purple and quite a few brought their dogs. People just got up and talked about how they’d met her, the fun times they had, the things she was involved in, and so on.

I took all 3 dogs and they got quite a bit of off-leash beach time. I wasn’t sure what would happen with Chip with no recall, and he did tend to go farther away then either of the other dogs would, but he’d eventually come running back, so I guess he’s attached enough to us now.

I got there with 2 cameras and realized that (a) I wasn’t in the mood for taking photos and (b) it would be too hard trying to keep track of 3 dogs with a wide range of interests as well as concentrate on photos. So I took not a single shot. Fortunately I went with 2 friends with cameras so I’m hoping for lots of beach shots, maybe even with me in some for a change.


The memorial–people brought their own chairs–was on the beach in the indentation where, in this Google Maps shot, there’s a volleyball net (above-left of the letter B). The wind was fierce and became fiercer; it whipped away many of the words that people spoke; by late afternoon, the wind had blown away all but a few hardy souls from the normally crowded beach despite the sunshine.

Fitbit says I walked:

Doesn’t this mean that the dogs walked/ran about twice that while off leash?


Shouldn’t they all be sacked out after that? *I’m* sure tired.

BUT when I tried to take Boost’s sacked-out photo, she jumped up, figuring that if I’m not at my computer, it’s time to play. Now she and Chip are chewing on bones, playing with toys, and generally not being exhausted. That’s the problem with having a  90-minute drive home afterwards: They can sleep all the way, but I can’t sleep more than occasionally while actually driving.

Checking In On Tika

SUMMARY: She’s doing fine, but what about that eye?

Can you believe that it has already been just about six months since Tika’s heart problem surfaced?

We visited our vet today for these reasons:

  • Time for a check-up on how she’s doing from the vet’s perspective.
  • Why is she now eating her meals very slowly?–used to finish in half the time that Boost did, now takes twice as long.
  • What’s the deal with the red lump on her 3rd eyelid?

You can hardly notice the lump at a quick glance, but up close it looks yucky.

I first noticed it sometime the week before the Haute Dawgs trial–so about 3 weeks ago. I don’t think it has changed any since then. First question every vet tech asked was, has she had any trauma to the eye? Same from the vet. None that I know of. So, we’re going to watch again for a few weeks. Doc says looks like a benign hemangioma (means it’s a bloody lump, basically).

Eating–her teeth look great, no sign of pain in her gums. No loss of appetite–still eats everything and is interested in food. Could be any number of things, but without other signs or portents, yet another thing to keep an eye on. Could be her meds, but vet doesn’t think that any one of them is more likely than the others.

How’s she doing over all? Vet says GREAT! Heart doesn’t sound any worse, heartbeat is still strong and slow (despite her frantic terror of being at the vet’s) like an athlete’s. He said, considering her diagnosis, she’s doing very well indeed 6 months later. We’ll do a follow-up blood test on general principles in a couple of months.

After that, we bipped across the freeway to Los Gatos Creek Park for a tiny stroll in the sunlight among the Canada Geese and their omnipresent poop. Not too long a walk because Tika was on a sedative, although I gave her only half a tablet this time 90 minutes before the vet.

What a lovely day and what a lucky Human Mom I am.

So many good smells before we even get around the fence to the percolation ponds.

The water fountain has a height just for dogs. Although both Merle Girls thought it was fascinating that water ran into it while they watched, they didn’t drink from it.

The gorgeous day called many other people out with their dogs. The one nice thing about a little sedative on the Craussie is no on-leash frenzy about other dogs.

Plus–we have THE best poop bags in the universe. How could the day be any better?

Many Many Many Photos from Taj MuttHall

SUMMARY: Fun with Google advanced search for images.

This is cool–using Google’s advanced search, I can find all the photos* on Taj MuttHall of a specific thing. For example:

This is too much fun! Must stop now.

*Wellll… it’s not perfect. For keyword searches, it seems to rely on the text content, so for example if “shirt” is mentioned in a post, it displays all the photos in that post, even if they’re not actually of a shirt. Still, pretty cool!


SUMMARY: More titles in Tika’s amazing run of Qs. Boost had some good things.

Tika tried to be very consistent today:

  • 3rd in Steeplechase round 2
  • 3rd and Q in Jumpers
  • 3rd and Q in Standard
  • 3rd and Q in Grand Prix

But dropped off a bit:

  • 4th, no Q, in gamblers (although she still had excellent opening points–a send that worked well with boost int he gamble didn’t work with Tika, go figure)
  • 4th and Q in Pairs Relay, last run of the weekend.

So Tika was 9 of 10 for Qs for the weekend.

I didn’t realize until I got home that that final Q in Relay did two things:

  • Completed Tika’s Performance Relay Champion Silver (25 Qs)
  • Completed Tika’s Lifetime Achievement Award Gold!!  Woo hoo!  350 lifetime Qs in Masters, P3, and Tournaments. 

Never thought I’d get to LAA-Gold. (According to points listed on the USDAA web site, I count only about 200 dogs that have ever reached this level.)

Now I can think a little about LAA platinum, which very few dogs get–500 Qs. That’s a lot of trials, a lot of Qing, and a lot of time during which Tika would need to stay sound and happy. I think that’s pretty unlikely, though–the last 150 Qs took us a year and a half. What are the odds that Tika will still be hale & happy as she nears her 12th birthday, given her history? Time will tell–who knows!

Boost’s weekend looked like this:

  • Weaves: Never popped out early, missed entry only once.
  • Contacts: Held them all in 2on/2off position even when I did weird things.
  • Table down: Fast and stayed down (2 tables for the weekend).
  • Start line stay: Solid until, once again, last run of the weekend, pairs, when she left early & the complexities cost us a Q.

And that’s about what I can say about that. It does occur to me that, without working on fixing the problems, and continuing to pour entry fees and frustration into her agility so-called career, fits that definition of insanity that you’ve heard, i’m sure: Doing the same thing over and over and expected the results to be different.

She did, however, paint the tip of her tail blue and purple; quite a few dogs have been sporting colors at our trials lately.