Photographing Uncooperative Dogs

SUMMARY: Tika is not helpful.


Usually my dogs travel in their crates. However, when just making a quick local trip, like over to the park, I might leave them loose in the car. In the old days, in this situation, Tika would put her front feet up on the storage box between the front seats to keep an eye on the world.

I haven’t gone a lot of places in recent months at all.  When I have taken them somewhere here, Tika mostly just lies on the floor behind the front seats, as her stability isn’t all that great recently.

However, while dashing over to the park late in the day today, after I hoisted Tika into MUTT MVR in an undignified manner such that she had sprawled ungracefully on the floor, I realized to my delight that she had assumed her old position, up on her hind legs, her front legs on that storage box!  Yet again she surprises and delights me with being healthier than expected.

So I stopped, determined to take a quick photo of her doing that thing, since i’m guessing that that’s not likely to be happening for a lot longer.

I had to hold the camera sort of as for a selfie, that is, out at arm’s length and guessing at the angle to get her face and the box on which she was standing.  However, every time I cut off the front of her face and so  moved my arm over to try to not do that, she’s move her head over, so again her face would be cut off–repeat, repeat, repeat.  So pretty soon I was reaching and leaning as far as I possibly could and she had turned her head and body alllll the way over so that I still couldn’t get it!

Attempt 31–oops, she’s too far to the right.

Move my arm more to the right–oops, she’s moved more to the right.

Move my arm more to the right–oops, she’s moved more to the right.

Move my arm more to the right–oops, she’s moved MORE to the right.

Move my arm more to the right–oops, she’s moved still more to the right.

Move my arm more to the right–oops, she’s moved even more to the right.

Oh, come ONNNN, Tika!!!! My arm is at its limit.

Well, this’ll have to do. I love my girlie.